Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Best/Worst TV of 2010

Let's start with the bad:

1. No Ordinary Family - I really liked the pilot, but it just didn't keep it interesting. It kind of imploded the same way that Heroes did, but in a much, much faster time period.

2. Torchwood: Children of Earth - Anyone who knows me knows my hatred of what the show turned into. Torchwood was a guilty pleasure at best - even the most hardcore fans had to admit that the writing and acting was uneven. But what started as an ensemble piece turned into the Jack and Gwen power hour. And after promising us some real advancement in Jack and Ianto's relationship, to turn that into a few gay jokes and then killing the most beloved character in the series, followed by utterly destroying the second favorite and letting Gwen come out unscathed just reeks of Mary Sue even more than RTD's usual bullshit.

3. Doctor Who - (The RTD era) - When the 9th Doctor left, his good-bye was essentially "Fuck, I'm cool. If I could suck my own dick, I would. And you'd help." And.. yeah, we probably would've. The specials with the 10th Doctor leading up to his regeneration were increasingly bad, and the finale, coupled with a half hour good-bye sequence in which he married off the only two black characters in the series, who'd never shown an interest in each other (and one of whom was engaged to someone else), brought back a one-shot character from a Christmas special three years prior, made him randomly gay and flirting with Captain Jack (as, I assume, one big "Fuck you!" to any Ianto fangirls) and then had 10, who'd come in so fun and fantastic, turn into a whiny bitch and have "I don't want to go" as his final line? Fuck you, RTD. Fuck you in your stupid ear.
I hope you get gangraped by the New Orleans Saints.

3. Two and a Half Men - .....ech. I saw half an episode while I was waiting for something else. That was enough.

4. Chuck - I loved the first two seasons of it, but it got so convoluted and boring that I had to quit. The little spark that made the show so fun early on is just gone. Time to end it.

5. The Simpsons - It's time to stop, guys. I average maybe one laugh an episode, and that's usually during the couch gags. I.. it's like watching a dog limp around while riddled with disease and the owners just don't want to put it down and let it die peacefully.

The Good:

1. Doctor Who (Moffat era) - Some of the episodes fell a little flat, but the three leads have such amazing chemistry together and Amy is just beyond adorable and 11? I'm a little bit in love with 11. Four is still my Doctor, but Eleven's coming up in a close second. (For anyone who cares: 4, 11, 9, 5, 10) When they were on, they were on. I think the Van Gogh episode was one of the best episodes since the series rebooted with 9.  And I can't wait for next series.

2. Community - I watched the pilot when it first came out, hated it, but finally went back and rewatched it from the beginning and have no idea what was up my ass back then, because yes, the pilot is a little uneven, but the rest of the show is hilarious. And it seems to be getting better and better as time goes on.

3. Misfits - Only three episodes into the new series, and holy crap. One of the better shows on right now, and it's really living up to the high standards that the first series set. I love Nathan and Simon and the new probation worker to bits. And the sex scene in the last episode? Holy crap, Misfits.

4. Sons of Anarchy - Another show that had it's ups (Charming) and downs (..Ireland), but the ups vastly outweighed the downs. The last minute and a half of the season premiere had me gasping, and the last few minutes of the finale had me flailing in my chair and wanting more. Kurt Sutter knows how to write a good finale. Take notes, Alan Ball.

5. Russell Howard's Good News/Mock the Week/QI/Never Mind the Buzzcocks - If I wrote a paragraph about each of these, I'd be here all month. There are very few shows that can make me laugh like these ones do.

6. Terriers - I'm sure no one's heard of this, but since it's probably not getting renewed, there's only thirteen episodes to catch up on. Low-key cop (in a sense) drama with extremely likeable leads and an awesome mystery running through it. I hope it comes back, but I won't hold my breath.

7. Glee - It's been hit and miss (the latter whenever Rachel opens her mouth), but when it hits, it hits. And I'm one of the few that's happy they're focusing less on Rachel and Finn. Enough is enough.

(More to come)


  1. Cambot here.

    Two and a Half Men has become the Everybody Loves Raymond show I detest…Okay, Charlie Sheen is more redeemable than Ray Romano, (I just typed Ramona by mistake. XD) To this day I refuse to watch any and all Ice Age movies because the idea of listening to that voice as an animated mammoth for however long, is my personal version of hell. No joke.

    I was sceptical at first but I’m really enjoying the quirkiness of Community. Season 2 had such a strong opening. I loved Jeff’s and Britta’s competition for who can gain the upper hand/ most sympathy from the aftermath of the season finale. I loved the self referencing/ breaking the fourth wall from Ahmed as well and the fact the Spanish teacher, (who is hilarious) took anthropology as an in to the group.

    Plus, I find myself just incredibly attracted to Joel McHale. It could be his smile...or the striped underwear, I haven't figured out which yet.

    “Kurt Sutter knows how to write a good finale. Take notes, Alan Ball.”

    Hey, I liked the season finale of Six Feet Under! Showing all the deaths/ tieing up all the loose ends whilst that song (I can't remember the name of right now) plays…I thought it was epic, stylish, sad, happy making and ultimately a fitting close to what was one of my favourite shows at the time.

    And you know my thoughts on Glee. It’s going to crash and burn and take down everything and everyone that was ever remotely awesome down with it. So uneven and suffers from a lack of continuity. I do enjoy some of the special guests though.

  2. YES! Okay. I was tired of everyone telling me to watch Ice Age. I made it a couple minutes in and almost brained myself on the coffee table. A friend's been telling me to watch this other movie that he's in and I just can't. That voice. Ew.

    You should wait until the Community Christmas special. It's done entirely in stop-motion animation. It is -amazing-.

    My comment about Alan Ball was more towards True Blood. I know a lot of people who were unhappy with the finale, myself included.

    Yeah, pretty much. It's a very guilty pleasure - Katrina and I got drunk and fast-forward through any Rachel scenes, and that really helps. That, and Pedo-Will jokes. A+.

  3. Not just me then!

    It may be unintentional, but there are so many 'creepy Shue' moments in some of his interactions with the kids I find it uncomfortable to watch.

    I look forward to the Community Christmas special. I remember reading something about it on TWOP. And, although I haven't seen the finale of TB season 3, (which I assume you are referring to) I thought the finale of S1 was good. It tied up everything nicely and had sufficient tension/ drama throughout. S2...well it was a tad uneven at the end. Don't get me wrong, I love a good ritualistic orgy led by a psycho mythological figure, but the resolution seemed a bit of a cop out to me.
